Monday 8 September 2014

Sussex Prayer Breakfast 5th Sept 2014 'Transcript of Talk'

Sussex Prayer Breakfast  September 2014


Genesis 3:8-11

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” 10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
And the Lord was walking through Hove early one morning and he saw friends gathered for breakfast. He entered the room and called out…

“Where are you?”

So, where are you this morning?

Now despite having spent five years as an Apprentice Jockey I am not a gambling man. However I think it would be certain bet that in answering that question you may refer to 1 John 2.28.

‘And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.’

I would think that each and every one of you here this morning has put on Christ.

However, here is what I want to leave with you as I prepare to move to Stafford at the end of the year.

Can I bring into your frame of reference Lazarus and his being brought back from death by Jesus as recounted in John 11.

Remember how Jesus called Lazarus out by name from the stink and stench of the grave. How on emerging Jesus said, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go”

It is surely safe to assume that other clothes were quickly brought for Lazarus.  

But here is the thing I find and I can only assume it is much the same for you.

I stand there; I know I have been called out of the stink and stench of death, from the sin that so closely bound, called out from a path to perdition. I responded to that call on the 1st January 1975.

I know I have been clothed in a robes of righteousness and the filthy grave clothes have been removed – I know all of that and yet, and yet little by little, step by step I find I am creeping back towards the tomb.

Living in the light dressed as a Christian is no easy task and no easy calling.

Just how do you remain in the world and yet be not of the world?

How do you live by God’s standards and not appear as some holier than thou religious bigot?

So we find ourselves little by little putting back on the fashions of the world, the ways of the world around, the ‘normal’ things in our surrounding culture that squeezes us into its mould.

Of course it perfectly okay for couples to live together before they get married, it makes economic sense and beside everybody does that these days.

Well of course it’s okay to be creative with your tax affairs, and who is going to find out anyway and besides they get enough off us anyway.

Going over the speed limit – well only a little and everybody does it. It is not good to get caught though, that would be a bad witness!

Saying OMG – well that’s very popular and it trips of the tongue so easy. I know we are not to take the Lord God’s name in vain – but really, what harm can it do.

However, even the most cursory glance at Scripture will tell us we are called to be holy because God is holy.

We walk along a holy path – not towards a holy path. Holiness then isn’t so much something to be achieved as a way to be lived

This walking on a holy path however doesn’t begin with our feet (although check out Psalm 1.1) in begins in our minds, in the place of our secret thoughts and in our desires.

Remember that the thought is father to the deed.

We read in Romans 12.2 –

Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.   

But we are squeezed and often succumb and find little by little, step by step, inch by inch we creep back to the tomb and start wrapping ourselves once more in grave clothes.

How then can we learn once again to discern the sweet scent of heaven from the stench of hell, to have our minds renewed and to walk along a holy road?

September begins a new academic year.

Can I encourage us all to endeavour to take upon ourselves some form of study.

We are called to be disciples and as disciples we need training, regular training and retraining. Perhaps sign up for a Course, or read some more, anything to help you in your walk as a holy disciple of Jesus.  (I can highly recommend Tom Wright’s ‘Everyone’ series on the New Testament.)
I would also like to suggest that each and every one of us finds a Spiritual Director or a Soul Friend or a Companion. Someone who can challenge us, someone if I may put it this way, would smell us out when we meet.

For this world, the country, this city needs, desperately needs the sweet, sweet smell of heaven – the aroma of Christ.

So, let me ask you this.

God is here – his presence is with us, Scriptures tells us this and we believe it to be so.

Can I invite you to stand if you want to walk away from the tomb?

Can I invite you to stand if you want to have those fashions of the world, the grave clothes removed?  

Can I invite you stand if you are willing to say; here I am Lord, totally available to you. I surrender all; I want to live only for you. ‘For if Christ is not Lord of all then he is not Lord at all.’

Can I invite you stand if you are willing to go back to school – to engage in some study, to see how we can deepen our faith. To learn of what is happening across the word, to try and understand the ways of the world so that we can speak the Word of God in due season and bring salt, light and love into the darkness.

As we stand I am going to invite you to bless the person next to you and I want to give a brief explanation of what it we are doing.
(What we are not doing is praying for them)

We are proclaiming over them well words that will bring about all that God would have for them to become.

So pray for them by name, wait just a moment because the Spirit may have a very particular blessing he wishes to impart.

If there is no prompting of the Sprit then you may simple wish to pray the Aaronic Blessing over them…

“The Lord bless you and protect you;
 The Lord make his face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
 The Lord lift up his countenance upon you
and give you peace.’’

If you can’t remember that then simply pray a blessing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I will bring us back together by playing some music.

‘Jesus, all for Jesus’

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