Sunday, 22 January 2012

Silly Week Ahead!

Fellowship of Parish Evangelist

Church Army

Arthur Rank Centre

A very silly week ahead...

Monday I will be travelling to Swanwick (Derby) for the Annual Conference of the Fellowship of Parish Evangelists. I am ducking out just a tad early on Wednesday to travel to The Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield for a Church Army Cluster Coordinators gathering. We will be hearing more about the role of Clusters in the development of the Church Army as an Acknowledged Mission Community. On the way back I am calling off to visit Simon in Coventry to catch up on the Rural Evangelism Module I am drawing up for the Arthur Rank Centre.

On Thursday it is off to London to meet up with Rural Officers. Again I am working with ARC  helping to write up a theological reflection on rural evangelism for Rural Officers and Agricultural Chaplains.

Friday  Off Duty.

Sunday - Keeping with the rural theme I am attending the Plough Sunday Service at Chichester Cathedral 3.30pm


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