Saturday, 1 June 2013

The month in review...

Saltash Celtic Cross
Back in 1997 when I was living in Saltash I encouraged the Saltash Churches Together to begin to prepare for the Millennium Celebrations. I  was invited to head up a small sub-group. One of our initial thoughts was to raise up a Celtic Cross to mark Saltash as one of the Gateways to Cornwall. It is a very long story save to say that whilst the Churches became very much involved in Saltash Festival Committee playing a full part in a three year programme, the Celtic Cross never materialized due to planning restriction and funding issues.  However in 2009 the Saltash Waterside Residents Association set about reclaiming a derelict piece of woodland. To help with funding they needed a ‘wow’ factor – and thus the Celtic Cross idea was re-born.  As a member of the original Committee I was invited to the official opening in early May.  It was a very strange feeling seeing this beautiful structure alongside thinking of those who had been very much part of the original concept but have subsequently died.  Plus it was delight to catch up with Brian Bliss and Sue Hooper and others from the original gang.

After a 480 mile round trip over two days I went along to the Mothers’ Union AGM and Spring Council. I never ceased to be enthused, amazed and encouraged by the ministry of Mothers’ Union members across the world and I am delighted to have been a member for twenty years.

Ascension Day ~ balloons being released.

The pressure never really let up as Sunday 12th saw the beginning of a two week Mission with St Mary’s East Preston.  The Sunday was our Commissioning Service. I returned on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to run a session on Faith Sharing. On the Saturday we had a fantastic ‘Family Day’ and I was asked to run some games and make badges. I have not run games for awhile and so had to get out my Games File and polish up my skills and bring out the parachute and other games resources.  I really enjoyed myself and I think the kids and the adults did as well!

Pentecost Sunday saw me dressed in red – however I wasn’t in Church but rather taking part in the Heroes’ Run along Hove seafront. This helps raise money for a school’s project in Africa. I ran the 10k in 55 minutes and as I was very close to St John’s and as it was only 11.20 I decided to slip into the back and join them for the last hymn and then for a coffee, dressed at Superman’s granddad! Three days before the run I celebrated my 62nd birthday. Sponsorship still open…

I had the real privilege of hearing Alister McGrath and a galaxy of others who shine in the field of apologetics. This was part of the Premier Christian Radio Conference ‘Unbelievable?’ in London.

Attendance at the conference helped as the next day I was preaching on Trinity Sunday, not always a favourite for preachers. However as long as you begin with the experience before the explanation you are on the right track. That was how it was for the first disciples who had this information before them, the Jesus phenomena and then the coming of the Holy Spirit, so they had to find a way of processing this information and eventually conveying it in words. The early church leaders described the Trinity using the term perichoresis. (Peri = around & Choresis = dance, as in choreography) The Trinity is an eternal dance of the Father, Son and Spirit sharing mutual love, honour, happiness, joy and respect. God’s act of creation means that God is inviting more and more beings into the eternal dance of Joy. Sin means that people are stepping out of the dance, stepping on people’s toes instead of moving with grace, rhythm and reverence. Then in Jesus, God enters creation to restore the rhythm and beauty again.

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