This well known extract of poem
‘The Gate of the Year’ quoted by King George VI in his Christmas Day broadcast
in 1939 feels so apposite at the moment.
I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year,
"Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."
And he replied, "Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into
the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known
May that Almighty Hand guide and uphold us all.
On January 6th I
returned to Church House Hove after being on leave since the 19th
December. It was good to put to one side all the unhappiness and uncertainty
and disquiet at Church House for awhile.
However on Christmass eve I was struck down by sickness and diarrhoea.
Jane and I went off to Tenerife on the 26th
and the ‘problem’ continued on and off for about another four days during which
time I seemed to have spent more time asleep than awake! I eventually pulled around to something like
‘normal’ to enable us to celebrate the New Year in style. We returned home on the 2nd
January and I had to have a quick turn around as I had accepted an invitation to
lead and preach at the Church of the Ascension Westdene (Brighton )
on the 5th January.
Having been told on the 29th
November about the restructuring at Church House and that once a consultation
period is over the post of Diocesan Evangelist will cease to exist life has become
‘interesting.’ The proposals are
extremely radical and include the deletion of the whole of the current Youth
& Children’s Team and replacing three full time Officers with just one linked
in with Education/Schools amongst other changes to the current Admin team.
Therefore alongside the busyness
of ministry I am trying to assimilate this unexpected news and all of the allied
Ev 103 Mission-shaped
Unity: Missio Dei and a New Way
of Being Churches Together
While the drive for ecumenism that characterized
the Council of Churches for much of the twentieth century saw mixed results,
the recent impact on evangelism of Missio Dei theology has had unexpected
consequences for Christian unity. This
booklet explores Missio Dei and how it is currently shaping changes in Churches
Together at national, regional and local levels. It aims to raise questions
that will inspire readers to bring about new ways of being churches together.
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