Sunday, 14 April 2024

Getting Connected - Weekly Reflection 13th April 2024


On Sunday 7th April I was leading a time of Prayerful Reflection in the evening at St Oswald’s. I had prepared a set of slides that I hoped would enhance our experience. I was informed that it would easy enough to link in my computer with the large monitor in the Church Lounge. But alas, when it came it, we didn’t have the right adapters or connectors and therefore we had to do without the slides I had prepared. 

The following night, Monday 8th April, I was back in the Church Lounge and preparing to lead the Rugby Prison Fellowship Group through a monthly Prayer Gathering. I had made two trips to PC World to ensure that I had the right adapter.  (I am ‘okay’ with tech but by no means an expert). I went to plug in the lead into the jack in the socket and the socket came loose and disappeared. Ah, I thought, I’ve got this one covered.   I had taken a DVP player with me that I have used before with my computer, not as good, but it would work. Well, it would have worked if I had taken my old computer. But no, I had taken my upgraded computer, and yes, you’ve guessed it, I couldn’t establish a connection, I didn’t have the right lead.   

Having this happen just prior to a prayer gathering is not very conducive to engaging in prayer in the right frame of mind.

Since Resurrection Sunday we have been considering the stories of Jesus’ ‘appearances’ – note, not visions or hallucinations. Read the plain text of these reports and you see a recognition of a ‘bodily’ resurrection and yet strangely different. For example, in Luke’s account following the appearance to Cleopas and companion on the road to Emmaus we read in Luke 24.36 – 37 ‘While talking about this, (Cleopas’ report of their Jesus encounter) Jesus himself stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you,’ They were startled and terrified, and thought they had seen a ghost.’  But Jesus invites them to touch him and feel his bones and also eats some broiled fish.

I am reminded of Jesus’ teaching on new wine for new wineskins. (See Luke 5.37-38)

The first followers of Jesus needed to ‘adapt’ so they could accommodate this new reality. Their old paradigm of reality needed to shift and be renewed. The resurrected Jesus simply couldn’t not be accommodated in the old paradigm.

Now, joy of joy, for we read in Scripture that Jesus is the first fruits.  ‘But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.’ I Cor. 15.20.

And we are likewise are being adapted so that we can ‘fit’ and ‘connect’ in the new paradigm of a heaven and earth reality that began at the resurrection and will be culminated upon Christ return. (Technical term, 'inaugurated eschatology')

‘And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.’  2 Corinthians 3.18

Ponder this question. How much at ease are you in this world and in the way it currently organises its affairs, locally, nationally, and internationally?  Do you feel a certain disconnect?  How much time and effort are you willing to put in to try and find ways that better connect heaven and earth?  How much time and effort are you willing to put in so that a clearer picture of our true human destiny is displayed?

For that to happen you will need the right connection, and there is only one connection that will work - Jesus.

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